Q: What is an Estate Sale?
A: The term Estate Sale is any sale involving an entire household of possessions. There are several reasons for people to have an Estate Sale: moving, downsizing, poor health, financial circumstances, or a loved one passing. No matter the reason; it can seem overwhelming, but we are here to help in your time of need.
Q: How much will an Estate Sale cost?
A: There are zero up-front or out-of-pocket expenses. We offer free on-site consultations to understand your goals and timelines. We'll negotiate an equitable percentage of total sales for our commission. That percentage is then deducted from the final proceeds when the sale ends.
Q: Timeline…When should I call and how long does it take to have an Estate Sale?
A: We try to be as flexible as possible when establishing timelines to fit your needs, but it’s very important to contact us as early as possible. We typically have estate sales scheduled for weeks or even months in advance so it’s important to contact us as soon as possible. Normally Estate Sales take approximately two weeks. A typical home is “set-up” in a week, then we allow another week for on-line and direct advertising and promotion. In most cases the actual “sale” to the public takes three days (Thur - Sat).